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The Power of Federation

EFPF is a digital platform, part of a federated ecosystem that connects multiple systems and platforms with their integrated toolsets and services. The EFPF platform enables users to harness the wealth of Industry4.0, Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics and Digital Manufactuirng solutions exposed in the EFPF ecosystem.


The EFPF platform is bootstrapped early-on by interlinking 4 base platforms (COMPOSITION, DIGICOR, NIMBLE and vf-OS) funded by the European Commission's Horizon2020 program on Factories of Future (FoF-11-2016).


In order to foster the growth of a Pan-European platform ecosystem that enables the transition from “analogue-first” mass production to “digital twins” and lot-size-one manufacturing, the federated EFPF ecosystem is enhanced through the interlinking of industrial platforms and open-sources tools e.g. SMECluster, iQlusterMindSphere, and Fortiss' Future Factory 


At the core of EFPF ecosystem is the 'Data Spine', an interoperability mechanism that provide support for secure and interoperable data exchange, service calls, API integrations across multiple systems and platforms. 

EFPF Data Spine Ecosystem.png

To help users create their own software applications and services, EFPF develops an open Software Development Kit (SDK) and a development environment (Studio). The SDK uses Data Spine as an integration layer and allows users to compose applications or integrate services based on their specific needs. 

Access to the EFPF platform is offered through a web-based portal, allowing users to make use of innovative tools and services through graphical interfaces (where relevant).  The EFPF Portal allows users to find business and collaboration opportunities, make use of digital tools and services as well as trade through a Marketplace Framework


The EFPF Marketplace Framework uses the Data Spine to interlink the marketplaces of multiple platforms in the EFPF ecosystem. It provides a unified graphical user interface in the EFPF platform that allows users to make use of multiple marketplaces for their disparate business and technology needs.


The federated EFPF platform offers diversity and demand-led development in a wide range of industry sectors where the interlinked systems and platform comply with a common architecture, standards and core technologies to facilitate interoperability and economies of scale. 


Checkout the tools and services offered in the EFPF federation >

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